Your task is not to seek for love

but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against. ~ Rumi

David Tannenbaum, LCSW

Most people seek out a psychotherapist out of a feeling of discomfort. They are tired of living with constant anxiety, a vague feeling of discontent, a sense that something is missing in their lives. The desire to change that and feel better, is a positive sign that you are motivated to do something about it. Seeking help is an important first step.

I have been a psychotherapist for over thirty years on the Upper West Side in NYC, and I have been fortunate to help others develop qualities of presence and simplicity in their lives, to learn to love and live fully, and realize how our fears have limited us in seeing the many opportunities for our hearts to open. My practice helps people integrate a spiritual vision into their lives and helps them achieve true balance in the midst of an urban lifestyle.

If you would like to make an appointment, or speak on the phone, please call my voice mail at (917)-757-4558 . I will return your call within 24 hours and most likely within a few hours.

If email works better you can send me one here.
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Psychotherapy Upper West Side, NYC

Most people enter psychotherapy and counseling out of a feeling of discomfort. They are tired of living with constant anxiety, a vague feeling of discontent, a feeling that something is missing in their lives. The fact that you want to feel better is a positive sign that you are motivated to do something about it. Seeking help is an important first step.

  • Do you often start things with passion and lose enthusiasm quickly?
  • Do you often feel not good enough, or lack confidence?
  • Does life feel just OK but you feel you are missing a certain sense of aliveness that you sense in others?
  • Do you often feel irritable and experience periods of boredom?
  • Are you searching for your life to take on more meaning and depth?
  • Have there been certain traumatic events in your life that have kept you from moving on.

Psychotherapy Upper West Side, NYC

The literal meaning of the word courage is to tell your story with your whole heart. Recognizing that sharing your story is a strength, not a weakness, is an important beginning on your journey.

Upper West Side Psychotherapy, NYC

You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life,but by realizing who you are at the deepest level. ~ Eckarte Tolle

Psychotherapy is an exploration that we take together. It is a journey that brings people back to themselves in a more loving an accepting way. Although we look at how the past has created obstacles in moving forward, it is equally focused on creating a vision of how you want to be.
In over thirty years of private practice, I have been fortunate to help others develop qualities of presence and simplicity in their lives, to learn to love and live fully, and to see how our fears have limited us in seeing the many opportunities for our hearts to open. An integral part of the journey is integrating a spiritual vision into our lives, and achieving true balance, in the midst of an urban lifestyle.

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Contact Me So We Can Get Started

If you would like to make an appointment, or speak on the phone, please call my voice mail at (917)441-6084. I will return your call within 24 hours and most likely within a few hours. If email works better you can send me one here.

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